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Real Estate Website of the Week WOW! #3

Website: | Agents: Jack Elkins |
Location: Palm Beach FL | Niche: Palm Beach Luxury Real Estate |
Time to Develop: - | Cost to Develop: - |
Favorite Features: Clean Design, IDX Broker Integration, Colors keep attention, Communities |
There are a lot of real estate agents looking for Luxury Real Estate WordPress themes and luxury real estate WordPress websites.
A few weeks ago we did our first in a series of posts titled "Real Estate Website of the Week" and featured We put the cost to develop site at $10,000 to $20,000. I have had a number of Realtors ask me why so much? If we are selling sites for a few hundred dollars, how can a site cost thousands to create?
The answer is this:
A fine website is like a fine home. You can find a 2,000 square foot home in almost any market for $200,000. There are also homes nearby for $800,000 that are 2,000 square feet. Why the difference?
Features and Amenities!
A $2000 website is nice and looks good. A $10,000 website is striking, has a great design, and tons of small details and custom coding that give a site extra functions and features.
Sooooo, having started with that, let me present to you. is obviously inspired by It is a more simple version of the site, with nice styling and good features.
Starting with the slider, has taken the time to get great photos to showcase their listings.
I think that as a seller, if I am going to list my $74,000,000 home with a realtor with a bad or plain site, or I am going to have my home showcased on a site like, then I am going with the nice site. 3% of the 74 Million price tag is 2 million dollars, so there is some room to build a nice site. I noticed that they have several listings above $10 million.
The next feature I really like is the "lifestyle" video. Showing in a very visual way, the lifestyle that one can expect by buying a home in this area. The video was well thought out, and has a VERY professional feel to it.
Now we get into the real estate website nitty-gritty. The IDX Broker Platinum property search integration. This site has very clean and simple design features that make it easy and quick for visitors to do IDX Broker home and condo searches.
The Exclusive Properties widget is pulling listings from IDX Broker and showcasing them to all the guests. With a nice gallery of homes, this real estate website has great images that attract the attention of all visitors.
Exclusive Communities are styled to be modern and clean. They show content and information about the communities that this office serves. As a visitor, it shows me that these agents are prepared to cater to the needs of buyers and sellers in these curated areas.
There is a nice link for more information about each community or another link to view actual property listings in each area. These listings are updated automatically using IDX Broker's dynamic widgets.
The sidebars are also tasteful and put the finishing touches on this classy real estate website.
You won't get a site built like this from a theme at a regular theme site. You can also add AgentPress listings to this to really add some hype around your own listings.
Be sure to checkout on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device to see how nice this mobile responsive real estate website looks on your device.
For an overall great site with all the tools that you need on a great real estate website, including WordPress, AgentPress, IDX Broker Platinum, Mobile Responsive, Video, and more, you won't find a nicer design for the money than this one. I think this is one of the best real estate websites for the money out there.
Click on the word "WOW" on the top menu to see more "real estate websites of the week".
Be sure to contact us today using the links at the bottom of this page to get your new real estate website.
Real Estate Website of the Week is our way of showcasing and reviewing some of the really great real estate websites.
We want to show our visitors and clients what can be done with a great real estate website.
These are not your standard cheap and easy real estate WordPress sites, but a project that has a lot of planning, thought, design, IDX Broker goodness, and just an all-around great look.
We have put price ranges on these websites to give you an idea of what it takes to do a project like this. Some include great professional photography, design work, or even many hours of styling and customizations.
Most of them also have great content. It takes a lot of time and unless you are a real estate writer, you need a budget to get good real estate content that is interesting and original for your site.
If you have a site, or have run into one that you think we should showcase or review, shoot us an email using the contact information in our footer.
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