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IDX Broker Platinum – Blogging for Real Estate, Does It Really Work? ::EMODF Day 1

IDX Broker Platinum Mobile

I just met with a new prospective client last week before my trip to Havasupai near the Grand Canyon (photos and stories coming soon!).

My client wanted me to do some work for him to get build up traffic on a brokerage website and drive real estate related traffic, and ultimately capture leads for his agents.  His original idea was for me to get some IDX Broker landing pages setup with the new IDX Broker Platinum and use this to drive leads to his Realtors.

As I was there telling him about the Mobile-ready features with HTML5 and lead capture tools, Customer relationship and other features, I came to a realization:  He really needed something more than just IDX Broker.

So there I was, as a Developer Partner of IDX Broker, explaining to him how we can help, but there is another big piece of the lead generation puzzle that was missing.

Blogging for Real Estate with WordPress

Yes.  Blogging.  Does it really work? Sure it works.  I have used blogging to build up a couple of internet related businesses like MLXchange for iPad and Mac at and even driving traffic to for “IDX Broker Platinum”.

I went on to Google today, and did a search for IDX Broker Platinum.  I realized that on the first page, I had 5 of the first 10 results.  Then I went to the second page and saw that I had 4 of the 10 results on that page.

So of the first 20 results for IDX Broker Platinum on Google, I had 9 of the results.  I think I may have more than even IDX Broker does.  (Not that I want to make a contest out of it with them, because they have some big advantages!)

This is all just from blogging with WordPress on our UltimateRealEstateWebsites Platform.  It works.

Eat My Own Dog Food

I decided that I am going to “eat my own dog food” about blogging. This is a concept I first heard from a friend of mine who is active in Silicon Valley in the venture capital world.  He explained to me that when the big venture capital firms invest in a new company, they make the other firms they are investing in use the new companies products or services.

By doing this, they have a built in group of testers and they can get lots of feedback quickly.  It also makes the venture capital firm more sure that they have a product or service they can take to market, because they have “eaten their own dog food”.

So I am going to write 5 blog posts about IDX Broker Platinum, other real estate website services, and real estate lead generation techniques each week for the next 8 weeks.

I will keep you posted on the results especially the Google Analytics results, and the new leads that we get.

Signup in the box below to get all the posts in your email.  I will also send you the before and after Google Analytics results.

To get IDX Broker Platinum for your WordPress Real Estate Website just go to and we will get started today for as little as $99 for a standard setup and $39.99 per month!


  1. Joseph CaldweLl on August 29, 2012 at 10:33 pm

    Great article. I hope it works and I’m a firm believer that it does. SEO likes fresh content and that’s why I started a blog. Plus it gives me a forum for a voice for me as a realtor and my company. I enjoy it.

    • James Call on August 30, 2012 at 8:21 am

      Thanks for your feedback. Let us know how you are using your real estate website to get leads and do business.
