10 Tips to Success with IDX Broker Platinum AgentPress Real Estate Websites to Drive Clients to your site

Select your niche and your keywords.
This is first because it is the most important. You may need to think about this for a few days, go to a mentor, or just take a weekend from work and figure this out. Do not proceed without this. Pick something focused enough that you can defend, but also big enough TO defend. If you have questions, contact us.
Use WordPress as the foundation of your business.Â
Everything should guide prospects to your WordPress site. Not your ActiveRain page, or even your brokerage's blog page. Your email signature and all of your posts, tweets, and everything you can share on the internet should point back to your WordPress site.
Setup Google Alerts for your keywords.
You may need to setup 4-5 alerts to make sure you are covering all of your bases. You will get emails daily when Google finds your keywords. This helps you to monitor who is getting new content for your keywords. If you are getting too many results, you need to focus your keywords.
http://www.google.com/alerts -
Install and configure Yoast or another WordPress SEO plugin.
This will make sure that Google and other search engines can find you. This will help you by making sure that everything you post has Search Engine Optimiztion (SEO).
Commit to following this plan for 60 days.
Shoot me an email the first day you start, and I will mentor you and help you by email for 60 days for FREE!! I will signup to your email feed, and follow you on your social media channels.
Post one blog post each week.
Some agents think that they can post every 6 months, or that they need to make a WordPress post every day. Those are probably both extremes. Don't copy and paste something that you found on Realtor.com, Linkedin, or even something your broker sent you in an email. You will need to write a blog post. This will probably take one hour. It is like exercise: few people like to do it, but it works for everybody!
Include a photo
Include a Call to Action
Include all of your keywords from #1 above.
Include links to 2-3 other pages on your site.
Include a video to turbo charge this whole process (add at least another hour to this post)
Post links to this post on all of your social media networks
Use questions from client emails and phone calls as ideas for new blog posts -
Post one comment, or new idea to your social network each day.Â
This isn't a spam post, or just retweeting, reposting, or relinking to something. This is not posting one of your listings. This is writing a comment or a contribution that allows people to see you and your personality. Tell about meeting with a client, or a great new place you found that is NOT one of your listings.
Post at least one video to YouTube AND Vimeo each month.
This is a big deal with all of the video in the Real Estate world. Show something interesting in the video. Don't just make it a plain VirtualTour morphed into a YouTube video.
Make an email list
Use WordPress plugins like Jetpack, FeedBurner, Aweber, Constant Contact, or MailChimp.
Post one of your listings to Craigslist each week!
This is a big one! This will keep you with a nice flow of traffic from clients.
Let me know when you are ready to start. I want to follow your success!
Here is your call to action:
Shoot me a quick 5 word email that says: I am starting success today!