Lewis County PureIDX site with Realty Candy

What are PureIDX real estate sites?
PureIDX sites are websites created by RealtyCandy for a lower cost than traditional real estate websites. They are very fast to setup; you can get these sites up and running in about an hour or two. We just charge $99 per year for site hosting, and you can decide whether you want to build out the site content yourself using our template, or hire us to do that for you for a great price.
One of the advantages of PureIDX sites is the lack of coding. These are considered low code/no code sites. They also have a very fast loading speed (which is very important for SEO) and all of our IDXAddons work perfectly with the site. You can have your site load in under 2 seconds! Take a look at our PureIDX portfolio to see some examples of sites we’ve built. Lewis County Home is a great example of a site we built using PureIDX.

Lewis County PureIDX site
We’ve recently finished their PureIDX site, and as you can see they work in the Lewis County, Washington area. The search bar you see on the home page immediately is our OmniSearch bar. This can be customized to have the colors you use on your site, and you can add/remove fields from it. We also have other styles to choose from.

Then, the widgets you can see below are styled using our Widget Themes. You can create an IDX Broker widget and then add a theme to it with our app. These can be added to any PureIDX site, since the app gives you a code snippet to use. In this case, we created widgets for residential properties, commercial properties, farms, and land in Lewis County.

Community pages
Then, this client also gave us a list of areas for this communities and neighborhoods section. Each of these titles takes you to a community page that was built using the Community Page Creator app.

Here is an example of one of the community pages. They also have a quick search bar where leads can select from a variety of criteria to find the right homes for them.

Market Reports
Displayed on the lower half of this Lewis County site, they also have our Data Graph Widget. This graph shows the numbers of each type of property on the site, the average price, luxury properties, and new properties in the last 60 days. Each button on the right (All residential, New Today, Price Reduced, and Land) takes you to a results page with that particular search for properties.

Bottom Cards
At the bottom of the page, they also have three cards with buttons that take you to the advanced search page, the home valuation page, and the rentals results page.

As you’ve probably noticed, the PureIDX site for Lewis County Home has a lot of links that take you to different sections on their site. This is because our design tries to follow the Backlinks SEO strategy to improve website traffic. The more links there are pointing to a specific page, the more importance search engines give to it.
Check out this video where we walk you through the main pages on Lewis County Home