Nearby Listings Addon

Show more properties to keep users navigating

Nearby Listings

Why should you use the Nearby Listings addon?

The Nearby Listings is another free addon that allows you to display nearby listings to your page. If someone is browsing a particular area, they will only see listings from that area. With the Nearby Listings feature, you can choose to also showcase other listings that are within a certain radius of your choosing. This will make them see other properties they would not have been previously aware of, which makes the likelihood of them finding something greater, making this addon beneficial for both you and the client.

You are able to title the nearby listings page to something custom as well as change the options of the radius from the current listings, number of listings shown, and ways to sort the properties, such as newest listings first or price from low to high.

When you get a visitor to your site, show them all of the listings around the property they have selected. Keep visitors engaged on your site by suggesting other homes, condos, or land that might be the perfect fit for them.

Our easy settings in the IDXAddons dashboard make it quick and easy for you to get setup and running.

Quick to setup.Big advantages.

See other homes in the area on the details pages. Set the range in miles. Easy to set up, keeps visitors looking at properties on your site.

IDXAddons for IDX Broker
Will boost your sales

To improve the integration with IDX Broker services and your website, we created the IDX Addons. Some of our IDXAddons have PRO versions, but almost all are free for all our clients.

Learn more Use our IDXAddons