Hosting for Real Estate WordPress Websites with IDX Broker

It seems like everyday we get a call or an email from an agent or broker wanting to move their real estate website from their current host, or hosting provider. Â We get questions like "Which is the best hosting for a realtor who wants WordPress?" or "I know just enough to be dangerous, and I want to do my own WordPress site, but have you done the IDX Broker, where do I start?"
We don't know if this is really a review of WordPress hosting for real estate, but these are the ones we like to work with when doing work for our clients.
We have used a LOT of different hosting companies and these are the ones that we recommend.
(BTW, If you click on one of the links, we will get some credit from the company. Â : )
 1. WP-Engine Premium Real Estate Web Hosting
Suppose you are looking for Month-to-month contracts and no sign-up fees! Enjoy flexibility, security, and speed with WPEngine.
WP-Engine is really serious about premium hosting for any website, but for hosting a real estate  WordPress website, we don't think you will find a better solution. These guys have great tech support and take WordPress hosting really seriously.
WP-Engine really specializes in WordPress sites. Â If you are just starting out, they might be a little pricey. Â If you have some traffic, you want some serious speed for your WordPress site, and you just don't want to worry, go check out WP-Engine.
We like Hostgator for low-price hosting. They use CPANEL, which allows you to quickly get in and set up a new domain and/or a new WordPress install.
Their service is pretty fast and they will get you started for $10 or less.
The customer support has been good.
We recommend the 2nd option or the "Baby Plan".
We have hosting at a couple of other hosting companies that we bought in the past and we have had some REALLY bad customer service. Â That makes us appreciate someone who does it well. Â They have live chat with people who speak English and know about computers.
If you are starting out with a new real estate WordPress website and you are going to want IDX Broker on it, we would recommend starting with HostGator.
Who we don't recommend
It is hard to use GoDaddy's system. Â They are #1 in domain registrations and a bunch of other stuff, but their systems are complicated and difficult to use. Â Since they created their own systems, we have to learn their system of doing things. Â We even add $100 to our theme install price if you use GoDaddy.
If you buy some real estate domain names and keep them there, that is probably ok, but we wouldn't want to build real estate sites and host them at GoDaddy.