How can I make RealtyCandy my IDX Broker developer?

If you don’t have an IDX Broker account, use this link and you we will automatically be added as our developer partner

If you already have an active IDX Broker account, simply send an email to stating:

I want to use RealtyCandy as my IDX developer
My website domain is: INSERT_YOUR_WEBSITE_HERE
I understand that they will be my first contact for tech support and that my payments will continue as they are directly to IDX Broker.

This process is quick, free, and easy. Once you do this, we will be your first point of contact for IDX Broker support issues. Your payments will stay the same, and you will continue to pay IDX Broker directly.

To access all of our free tools, log in to using your IDX Broker API Key; found under Access Control when you log in to the IDX Broker Dashboard.

If you sign up for your IDX Broker account using our sign-up form link, you will automatically be set up with RealtyCandy as your IDX Broker developer.