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What Is IDX?

Realtors often ask, “What is IDX?”

IDX or Internet Data Exchange, is a technology that allows real estate agents to display property listings from their area. They do this by connecting to the MLS, or Multiple Listing Service. These listings can be displayed on their website or any online platform, like social networks.

The main goal of IDX is to open the possibility of exchanging real estate listing data between brokerages.


How does IDX work?

MLS boards made listings data available to vendors, like IDX Broker, through an IDX feed.  Then those vendors can download listings data multiple times a day. This keeps their databases updated with the recent listing updates.

So, if you want to integrate IDX Broker on your website, you need to create an IDX Broker account. Then you can manage your listings and search options through an IDX vendor. In most cases, your approval could take 3-4 business days.

What is IDX?

Can any Realtor have access to IDX?

Each MLS has its own access eligibility rules. For example, there are MLS boards that allow brokers and agents to have access. Others only grant access to brokers.

If you go to you can see the list of MLS that work with IDX Broker.

If you don’t see your MLS, please reach out to us so we can double-check that for you.

IDX Connect mockup phone mobile

Where does RealtyCandy come in?

RealtyCandy is an IDX Broker developer partner. Our team of highly specialized developers work exclusively with IDX Broker. In the 8+ years we've been in business, we've built a wide variety of tools (widgets, templates, SEO, and chat apps). These are all available to you for FREE.

You pay a monthly fee to IDX Broker for providing the MLS feed. They give us credit for providing you with all these tools and premium customer support.

When you make us your developer partner, we will be your first point of contact for anything IDX-related.

And you will have access to all of our tools and templates at Everyone wins!

What is IDX

Why should I add IDX to my website?

If you want to sell/rent/lease properties, you probably want to be able to show the listings that best fit your visitor's search criteria.

That is what IDX offers; a variety of tools to show the listings your leads are looking for.

It's also the easiest way for your website visitors to search for listings. Plus, they offer tools to convert visitors into leads. This helps leads keep coming back to your site; which means more business for you!

Potential leads are looking for listings on the Internet. If you only provide them with your own listings, and you’re not giving them access to search MLS listings, you’re not giving them what they want.

This translates into a missed opportunity to improve your business.

What is IDX

How should I utilize IDX on my website?

There are a few basic universal rules to using IDX Broker on your website.

One is to get set up with a wrapper that matches your website’s header and footer to get your IDX content branded to your business.

There are also a number of settings to optimize, page links to add to your navigation, and search tools and widgets you can embed anywhere on your site.

The easiest way to get started is to sign up for one of our services:

  • Our IDX Connect service includes setting up the wrapper for your IDX pages, configuring all of the settings on your IDX Broker admin panel, and installing a search tool and Google Maps widget to your site for you.
  • Our PureIDX sites include the IDX Connect service, as well as a brand new, super-fast website for $99 per year, including hosting. You can set it up yourself in IDX Addons, or you can hire us to do it for you for $199. This includes that first year of hosting and setup of the home page template for you.
  • For those who want a fully customizable WordPress site, we offer SimplyIDX, which is our WordPress site package that includes:
    The IDX Connect as well as 2 hours of customizations, installation of our theme and Beaver Builder, a visual page editor, and the first month of hosting. Hosting subscriptions for WordPress are $39 per month.

Sign me up! How do I get started?

With any of our services, the very first step is to have an IDX Broker account.

If you don’t have one yet, you can use our partner link to sign up for a new account and save $100!

If you already have an account, you can make us your developer partners by following the instructions here.

Feel free to give us a call at (435) 222-5522 if you have any questions!

Perspective Mockup IDXAddons