IDX Broker Original Mobile Responsive

Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to see what we’ve been working on.
You’re really going to like what we’ve done for IDX Broker Original.
Our company has developed a process that we believe will get you 30% more leads from your IDX
Here’s the dilemma:
There a lot of people like you were innovative and bought IDX Broker Original a few years ago.
You got it all set up search engine optimized, Google indexed, master your website, and you and your staff, and your clients are comfortable with.
Now you need mobile responsive IDX.
Did you know that this year Internet use on smart phones will surpass Internet use on desktops?
Do your clients and prospects come to your site with iPhones, iPads, android, and other mobile devices?
What if your website is mobile responsive but your IDX is not?
We are excited to announce mobile responsive for IDX broker original.
We have created a solution that will make your existing IDX account mobile responsive.
1. It will keep those clients with smart phones on your site.
2. It will provide you with a modern, up-to-date, professional image.
3. It is a quick and easy process that takes us less than one week to set up.
4. You keep all the SEO benefits you have built into your existing website and IDX pages.
If you want to convert your IDX to platinum, we also offer that service. Please contact us to get a quote.
Get Mobile Responsive for IDX Broker Original Today.
To get your IDX converted to mobile responsive within one week you only need to do two things:
1. Inform IDX broker with a short e-mail that RealtyCandy will be your developer.
2. Visit our store  to get signed up!
Here are some screenshots from an iPhone of our demo IDX broker original account. And a link to the demo so you can look at it yourself out Take a look at it on your mobile device and see if this is something that you would like added to your IDX original account today.
See a live client site  at or see search results here.