How do I fix or update my IDX Broker Pages wrapper?

Did you make changes to your website and then when you go see your IDX pages, they showed up with a broken aspect?
Or did you do a website change, and it is taking hours for IDX to update your pages with the changes?

These are common problems our clients at RealtyCandy face, and fixing this is very quick. You just need to clear your IDX Broker Wrapper Cache.


Clearing the cache of Dynamic wrappers

To clear your wrapper cache, go to your IDX Broker Dashboard, then go to Design, Website, and Wrappers.

There will be a link “Clear Wrapper Cache” on the blue bar on the right. Just click on it once or twice, and try looking at the pages again.


Check the video to see the step by step on how to do it.


For Static Wrappers

If you did the IDX Connect service with us and have a Wix, Duda or GoDaddy website, you probably have a Static wrapper. In this case, the header and footer info will not update automatically. So, to have this updated, you will need to contact us though our chat or email and ask us to update it for you.